Having faced considerable troubles with supervisors during my research, I can say that having a supervisor is a must. All universities have a well defined method of choosing a supervisor for each project. There must be some reason for which they dedicate so much time and effort for assigning a research guide. Let’s look at some ways in which your supervisor can add value to your PhD:
• Advice about research: Though the doctoral project may not be your first stint at research work, it will definitely be the most important one. So, getting advice from someone who knows the subject area thoroughly will be crucial. Such advice can be about the references, methodology, statistical tests, language, etc.
• Time management: Your supervisor has been through his own research works and overseen many others. So he will be able to help you manage and distribute your time in an optimum manner.
• Emotional support: There will be many challenges through the research work and a good supervisor will make sure that you stay focused.
• Resource gathering: For completing your project successfully, you will need multiple resources and clearances. Your guide will help you access the right people for data and get the permissions that you need to carry out the experiments.
• Proofreading: Your supervisor may be the first person to go through your draft dissertation. He will tell you how good your writing is and can give tips about improving the quality.
If your supervisor is cooperative, then she can become a catalyst for your research project. It is not mandatory that you follow everything that the guide says; but it will definitely be beneficial if you consider the suggestions before finalizing your document.
The role of a PhD supervisor in timely completion of thesis
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