Decode the Perfect Introduction Chapter

Who doesn’t want to get his foot in the door with a good introduction of a PhD thesis? Since the struggle is real hard to achieve tremendous perfection with the introduction, thorough knowledge about your research topic and PhD introduction chapter format is all you need to get started with. And here we will be discussing these two necessities dependent on each other to produce a well-designed introductory section of the thesis.

There is a need to get acquainted with tried and tested tricks and tips to split or classify the information gathered for research and thesis keeping PhD introduction chapter format as a springboard. Introducing the readers with the variables under study, exploring the background of current research and positioning the research in the current plethora of related research topics, is what a good introduction must do.

Seven essentials to organise information in an Introduction :

Theoretical framework

Statement of the problem


Scope and limitation

Conceptual framework

Significance of the study

Definition of unfamiliar terms used

It may sound easy on the first impression to write in the above PhD introduction chapter format, however a common trend observes scholars adopting this format only at the end of their thesis writing stage. The introduction is responsible for establishing the context as well as significance of research by summarising the current knowledge, research problem, hypothesis and highlighting the purpose of research.

Make the most of your first impression (introduction)

1. STEP 1

  • Emphasise the importance of the topic
  • Present general yet focused opinions about the topic
  • Provide a brief overview of current research on the subject

2. STEP 2

  • Criticize of existing assumptions
  • Reveal of literature gap
  • Formulate research question or problem

3. STEP 3

  • Intent of your study
  • Highlight key characteristics of conducted research
  • Describe the results
  • Provide a concise overview of the structure of the paper

The aim is to make the introduction chapter persuasive and crisp through a compelling writing style which grabs the reader’s attention and instils an interest for the topic. The language ought to be very formal yet engaging, and it should be broad enough to provide the necessary details of your research without clichés. Do not forget that your true argument should be introduced but not entirely revealed in chapter 1.