For any researcher, the first ever big scale research work being carried out is the dissertation the researcher inscribes during the course of pursuing his / her doctoral education. As this work of dissertation written on a research based study is the first ever work being carried out by a researcher, and the experience of the researcher in the field of research is absolutely nothing, therefore, it is expected that the research will make certain amount of mistakes considering various aspects of the dissertation. If those mistakes can be eradicated, the researcher can come up with a superior quality dissertation.
There are several aspects of a dissertation, which a researcher has to keep in mind, while carrying out the inscription process of a dissertation. Following are those critical aspects:
- Any good dissertation starts with a detailed description of a research problem. While stating a particular research problem, it is required that sufficient background of that particular problem is being provided with, as devoid of understanding the background of the problem, it can be hard to understand the significance of the research problem in the given context. In order to do that, an extensive review of literature has to be carried out, and subsequent to that, a concrete research gap can be identified, which will formulate the research question.
- In order to answer that particular research question, a set of specific research methodology can be applied. However, it is expected that the researcher should elaborate on the reasons behind choosing a particular research methodology for answering that research question.
- Finalizing a research methodology will be sufficed by collection of appropriate data and a carrying out a rigorous analysis on the same.
- The conclusions of the study should be extremely specific, yet capable of generalization and finding its own significance.
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